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Together for the development of the Polish economy - KGHM signed an agreement with the Polish Investment and Trade Agency

Together for the development of the Polish economy - KGHM signed an agreement with the Polish Investment and Trade Agency

Wednesday, 05 October, 2022
Creating conditions for the development of the domestic economy and strengthening Poland’s position among the world’s largest exporters - KGHM signed a letter of intent on cooperation with the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PITA). The event took place during the PITA Business Forum held at the National Stadium in Warsaw.

The parties to the agreement declared their cooperation in such areas as building a positive image of Polish companies as stable trade and investment partners.

“We will leverage our years of international experience in building trade and investment relationships. We want to strengthen KGHM’s position in the global market, as well as encourage other companies to expand their operations abroad,” said Jerzy Paluchniak, KGHM’s vice president for foreign assets.

The letter of intent also provides for initiatives related to the development of sales of Polish products and services, as well as the inclusion of companies in international value chains, such as distribution, production, and marketing, through KGHM Group.

The scope of the cooperation between KGHM and PITA also includes substantive support through the participation of representatives of the parties in seminars and conferences. There are also plans to organize joint events, including economic missions, investment missions, B2B meetings, seminars, and training sessions.

The parties will also engage in promoting Polish start-ups internationally and in joint promotional campaigns aimed to attract businesses to Poland and to strengthen Polish exports.

In line with its business strategy, KGHM is seeking to expand its resource base and product portfolio. Among other things, the copper industry leader is developing prospective mining and exploration projects. Ultimately, they are expected to lower copper production costs and enhance the company’s competitive advantage, as well as strengthen its position as a global multi-commodity leader producing copper, silver, gold, molybdenum, platinum, palladium, rhenium, and selenium.

The mission of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency is to increase the inflow of foreign direct investment into the country and the extent and speed of internationalization of Polish companies. The institution operates both in Poland and through Foreign Trade Offices (FTO). Among other things, the PITA offers access to comprehensive information on the economic and legal environment for business projects.

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