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Polish–Chilean Mining Investment Seminar in Chile

Monday, 13 April, 2015

Chile is one of the most competitive economies in the world. Rich natural resources, a stable monetary policy and convenient solutions for business create a favourable investment climate for foreign companies. KGHM has made the pioneering step, i.e. the largest foreign investment project in the history of the Polish economy. It paved the way for other Polish companies to enter the Chilean market, with endless possibilities to increase trade.

“KGHM’s expansion in Chile opened up great development possibilities for Polish companies and research institutions. Our intention is to support Polish companies wishing to enter this market. Part of the work on the Sierra Gorda mine has been carried out by Polish subcontractors, who – thanks to KGHM – won new orders, thereby strengthening their position among Chilean partners. We would like to see Polish companies benefitting from the knowledge and experience gained by KGHM in the globalization process. On global markets all of us serve as ambassadors of the Polish economy,” says Herbert Wirth, President and CEO of KGHM.

The Polish-Chilean Mining Investment Seminar will be accompanied by lectures given by entrepreneurs representing both countries. Business offers and needs will be also discussed, while detailed arrangements between the partners may be worked out during informal B2B talks. An interesting point in the agenda of the seminar is the presentation of the Foreign Investment Committee of Chile – CIE Chile. Plenary sessions include a presentation by Herbert Wirth, KGHM’s chief executive, on the company’s business strategy and the benefits of cross-border cooperation. Key characteristics of one of the largest copper projects in the world – the Sierra Gorda mine – will be explored by Maciej Ściążko, its general manager.

“KGHM’s investment in Chile proves the potential and competence of Polish companies required for development abroad. The seminar is a great occasion to familiarize entrepreneurs with the possibilities of establishing new business links. We want to present the business environment of both countries to interested companies. Thus far participation in the seminar has been confirmed by about 40 companies representing the mining, metals, construction and chemical industries. The event will be complemented by a study tour to the Sierra Gorda mine, where the seminar participants will learn about the latest technology implemented in surface mining,” adds Maciej Ściążko, General Manager of the Sierra Gorda mine.

Information on carrying out contracts and on the successes of Polish suppliers will be analysed by Marek Bednarz, Head of KGHM’s Central Bureau of Purchasing. “Customers expect competitive offers for products and services which are to be delivered to given projects. The economics of a project is of course very important. The added value of overseas transactions is certainly the international promotion of one’s own brand,” emphasizes Marek Bednarz.

The Polish-Chilean Mining Investment Seminar will be held during the CESCO Week conference. This prestigious event, dedicated to mining companies, each year attracts to Chile key players from around the world. The seminar allows Polish companies to identify the expectations and needs of KGHM regarding the Sierra Gorda project, and gives them the chance to become suppliers of goods and services not only to the second phase of Sierra Gorda, but also to new Chilean partners.

The Polish-Chilean Mining Investment Seminar is organized by Sierra Gorda SCM and KGHM with the support of the Foreign Investment Committee of Chile and the Poland Go Global! Think Tank. Honorary patronage of the seminar has been granted by Poland’s Ministry of the State Treasury and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


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