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KGHM team won the CyberPoligon - “CloudWARS” exercise

KGHM team won the CyberPoligon - “CloudWARS” exercise

Wednesday, 01 March, 2023
The Central Information Processing Center - KGHM’s specialized cyber security and IT division - won a prestigious award and took the 1st place at the CyberPoligon - “CloudWARS” exercise. The event, attended, among others, by representatives of state-owned companies, was held in Cracow, Poland, as part of the XXXII Underground Mining School organized by the Center for Information Exchange and Analysis for the Mining and Energy Sector (ISAC-GIG).

Cyber security was one of the main topics of the Underground Mining School. Experts, scientists, and practitioners emphasize that action in this regard is necessary, also in the mining industry. The number of threats in the global cyberspace has definitely increased recently, also due to the ongoing war in Ukraine. That is why it is so crucial to implement new secure technologies and train specialists in this area.

During the CyberPoligon workshop, employees from the ISAC-GIG member companies had the opportunity to face each other on a “virtual training ground” and conduct “combat” in an environment that realistically reflects the conditions in which IT department experts in companies must work on a daily basis. The tasks involved detecting and responding to real threats that cloud services can be exposed to. Employees of COPI, a division of KGHM, were the best in these activities.

“This is another cyber workshop COPI employees have had the opportunity to participate in. We are very happy that we won and that our team’s work was rewarded. This is COPI’s success, but in fact all the teams are winners. Within the framework of the CyberPoligon, we acquire skills that allow us to deal with technical problems, but also with stress in emergency situations.  Another very important aspects of this type of meetings is establishing relationships with specialists from other companies. Such an exchange of experience related to cyber security is extremely valuable,” said Adam Piotrowski, the managing director of the COPI division. 

KGHM is building its future on the basis of e-industry. The solutions being introduced include robotization, digitalization, knowledge management, and the tenets of Industry 4.0. Cyber security is an important part of these projects. Last year, the company organized a similar CyberPoligon event for teams in charge of cyber security at state-owned companies that are members of the ISAC-GIG and companies from the energy sector.

The event, organized by KGHM, was attended by representatives of eight major companies operating in the energy and mining sectors. It was held under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of State Assets and the Central Mining Institute.

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