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We are establishing a good climate for the further support of Ukrainian refugees

We are establishing a good climate for the further support of Ukrainian refugees

Thursday, 31 March, 2022
Polish language courses, vocational training and activation in the labour market – KGHM together with the local governments of the Copper Belt, non-governmental organisations and aid institutions are planning further actions to support refugees from Ukraine.

KGHM organised another meeting with the representatives of local authorities and associations supporting aid campaigns for people arriving from Ukraine. Participants of this meeting emphasised that due to a great effort it was possible to provide refugees with, among other things, safe places to reside. Now the time has come to undertake other actions.

The copper company, in cooperation with local governments and NGOs, engages in the organisation of language courses for Ukrainians. Over 300 people have already signed up for classes. Similar measures are also being taken by most cities and municipalities where refugees have settled. Polska Miedź Employers' Association, cooperating with KGHM, is also planning to organise a specialised language course.

According to the information from the Poviat Labour Offices, the number of registered refugees who want to undertake work is increasing each day. Further training courses and specialised training are organised in the Copper Belt for anyone who is interested. Local government officials from the Copper Belt are planning, among other things, job fairs, but they also emphasise that organising holiday trips for children from Ukraine will provide important support.

Since the beginning of aid activities to support refugees, the Help Centre for Ukrainians in Lubin has been operating upon the initiative of KGHM. Those in need can find there both psychological and legal support. A database of people willing to host families from Ukraine in their homes is also being established. Those activities will be continued.

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