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The winners of the competition for students of KGHM’s sponsored schools in the Copper Belt have been announced

The winners of the competition for students of KGHM’s sponsored schools in the Copper Belt have been announced

Friday, 19 May, 2023
After two months of hard work to design an online log for internships at KGHM, the results have been achieved: the winners of the competition for students of the schools sponsored by the company, titled “Competent in the Industry,” have been announced. The two most interesting solutions were rewarded with paid internships at KGHM’s division, the Central Information Processing Center (COPI).

The winners are: Jakub Łasiński, this year’s graduate of the B. Krupiński School Complex No. 1 in Lubin, and Anton Manicki, a student of the Electrical and Mechanical School Complex in Legnica.

“Any project where we can encourage young, talented people to link their future to KGHM is an initiative that I will definitely support,” said Marek Makuch, the General Manager for Human Resources Management. “I am very impressed by your commitment and ingenuity. I congratulate the winners, but also their parents for inspiring and caring for such talented students,” he added, handing out the awards during a meeting with the students and their parents at KGHM’s headquarters.

The competition was intended for students from 9 schools cooperating with KGHM under the “Competent in the Mining and Smelting Industry” program, including from classes that are not sponsored by the company. The participants were assigned a high-tech task: to develop a tool using the M365 technology to secure the circulation of documents and information related to the process of student internships at the company.

“It was a complicated task. A lot of things to plan,” admitted Anton Manicki, one of the winners of the contest. “The hardest part was to properly arrange the role of the practical vocation instructor, who is responsible for, among other things, keeping attendance lists and entering subjects of his classes,” the student added.

The students will now be able to develop the proposed solutions further under the guidance of COPI professionals, during a summer internship.

“I want the internship at the COPI Division to be an important entry in my resume, a good introduction to work in IT,” said Jakub Łasiński, whose application won the first place. “Especially since, while working on the application, I was simultaneously preparing for my high school final examination,” adds this year’s graduate who specialized in IT.

An online internship log is another step in the digitalization of the Company’s processes, but, most importantly, it is an application that will definitely facilitate the work of KGHM’s practical vocation instructors. Every year, more than a hundred KGHM’s active instructors take care of students of sponsored secondary school classes who participate in student internships and practical classes at the company.

The contest for students of sponsored schools was supported by the Polish branch of Microsoft.

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