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State-of-the-art densitometer now available for Copper Belt residents – KGHM supports Polkowice in purchasing bone scanner

State-of-the-art densitometer now available for Copper Belt residents – KGHM supports Polkowice in purchasing bone scanner

Tuesday, 12 September, 2023
A state-of-the-art X-ray densitometer is now available at the Polkowice Health Services Centre - the municipality purchased the medical device, among other things, from a targeted grant awarded by KGHM in 2022. The copper company donates money to local municipalities as part of the CSR and socially responsible business programme carried out by the company for the benefit of local residents.

– KGHM has been supporting the Polkowice Health Services Centre for many years. We have already helped purchase much-needed medical equipment and this year's donation will go towards a new ultrasound machine for the urology clinic. The health safety of the population of the entire Copper Belt is a key issue, both for us and for the local authorities – Sylwia Jurgiel, spokesperson for KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., said.

– I am very pleased that further high-quality medical equipment is coming to the Polkowice clinic. Since the beginning of this term, we have been successfully supplementing the Polkowice Health Services Centre with high-quality diagnostic equipment, which then serves the people of Polkowice. This time, a state-of-the-art densitometer is being acquired with the help of KGHM. This is yet another example of good, neighbourly cooperation and proof of the importance KGHM attaches to corporate social responsibility and, consequently, to the health of the inhabitants of our commune and the entire Copper Belt – says Łukasz Puźniecki, Mayor of Polkowice.

Densitometry is a non-invasive and painless examination that requires no special preparation on the part of the patient, but is extremely important if only in the diagnosis of osteoporosis. At the Polkowice Health Services Centre, residents can benefit from a high-end X-ray densitometer.

The device allows, among other things, diagnosis of the spine and femoral neck and assessment of bone density with the risk of potential fractures, whole-body measurements or limb comparisons to detect muscle imbalances.  

KGHM has been making special earmarked donations to local governments since 2020. Nearly 13.5 million zlotys in total has already gone to various localities in the Copper Belt. Thanks to the support of the copper company, examinations and consultations will be carried out at the diabetology and pulmonology clinics in Głogów. In Grębocice, the residents will be able to benefit from rehabilitation and visits to a cardiologist and a laryngologist. Thermal modernization of the elementary school buildings in Białołęka will be carried out by the Pęcław commune.

Besides the donations, huge support for the Copper Belt region’s local governments is also provided by the taxes paid by KGHM. Local government projects are also implemented with support from the KGHM Foundation. In addition to organizing cultural events and buying healthcare and hospital equipment, the money supported local units of volunteer fire departments and renovation of churches and other historical buildings in the region.


Nowoczesny densytometr rentgenowski w Polkowickim Centrum Usług Zdrowotnych .jpg 122.4 kB Nowoczesny densytometr rentgenowski w Polkowickim Centrum Usług Zdrowotnych
Nowoczesny densytometr rentgenowski w Polkowickim Centrum Usług Zdrowotnych
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Nowoczesny densytometr rentgenowski w Polkowickim Centrum Usług Zdrowotnych
Nowoczesny densytometr rentgenowski w Polkowickim Centrum Usług Zdrowotnych .jpg 239.7 kB Nowoczesny densytometr rentgenowski w Polkowickim Centrum Usług Zdrowotnych
Nowoczesny densytometr rentgenowski w Polkowickim Centrum Usług Zdrowotnych
Nowoczesny densytometr rentgenowski w Polkowickim Centrum Usług Zdrowotnych .jpg 167.3 kB Nowoczesny densytometr rentgenowski w Polkowickim Centrum Usług Zdrowotnych
Nowoczesny densytometr rentgenowski w Polkowickim Centrum Usług Zdrowotnych
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Nowoczesny densytometr rentgenowski w Polkowickim Centrum Usług Zdrowotnych

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