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Planting of forests at the Głogów Copper Smelter and Refinery has started

Planting of forests at the Głogów Copper Smelter and Refinery has started

Monday, 18 March, 2024
140,000 seedlings of forest trees and shrubs - the Głogów Smelter and Refinery has once again started planting forests on its sites. This year, oaks, beeches and biocenotic species that will enhance the natural value of the forest areas there will appear in the vicinity of the division of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.

35% of the area owned by the Głogów Smelter and Refinery is forest land - more than the average forest cover of Poland, which is almost 31%. Forest management in this area is handled by the environmental protection department of the KGHM division. As part of this activity, the division carries out regular forest planting.

Planting is done on land belonging to the Głogów Smelter and Refinery and in the ecological use area. The division staff had to specially prepare the site for this purpose, remove invasive tree species and fence off the planting area.

The forest areas next to the Głogów Smelter and Refinery was created in the former protection zone. Now they cover more than 872 hectares and are a kind of 'ecological niche' where birds nest, animals live and vegetation thrives.

Last year, the smelter planted more than 127,000 seedlings of forest trees and shrubs, which made it possible to carry out renewals, afforestation and amendments on an area of around 20 hectares.


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