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Planning and action - the Medical Board of KGHM ahead of next wave of coronavirus cases

Planning and action - the Medical Board of KGHM ahead of next wave of coronavirus cases

Monday, 27 September, 2021
Stable situation and continued commitment to employee health safety - the Medical Board of KGHM highly values the Company's activities related to minimising the risk of contracting coronavirus. The copper giant is not slowing down and is preparing for a possible fourth wave of the pandemic.

The members of the Medical Board of KGHM met today at the company's headquarters in Lubin and at the office in Warsaw.

"Our aim is to prepare the company well for the challenges that may lie ahead this autumn. In cooperation with the Medical Board of KGHM, we are developing an action plan and scenarios for a possible fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic", said Marcin Chludziński, President of the Management Board of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.

The report presented at the Medical Board meeting shows that there has been no increase in coronavirus cases in KGHM. Among other things, the company has been running a campaign for many weeks to encourage vaccination against COVID-19. Mobile medical points were launched where the crew, but also family members and friends could get vaccinated. During the month, nearly 1,000 people were vaccinated at mobile points that appeared at KGHM's mines and smelters. This was a voluntary decision by the workers and concerned citizens of the Copper Belt. The campaign will also continue in October.

The Medical Board of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. was established in 2019. It is composed of authorities from the world of science and medicine as well as representatives of the management of KGHM. Radosław Sierpiński, President of the Agency for Medical Research, joined the group of experts today.

The Board supports and initiates all activities of KGHM and the KGHM Foundation in respect of broad local activities for the health of employees, the inhabitants of the Copper Belt and Dolnośląskie Voivodship.

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