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KGHM has submitted an application for a fundamental decision for a project to build a small modular nuclear power plant in Poland

KGHM has submitted an application for a fundamental decision for a project to build a small modular nuclear power plant in Poland

Friday, 14 April, 2023
KGHM has submitted to the Ministry of Climate and Environment an application for the issuance of a fundamental decision for the project to build a small modular nuclear reactor power plant (SMR) in Poland.

The fundamental decision is the first decision in the administrative permit system for investments in nuclear power facilities in Poland that an investor can apply for. Obtaining the fundamental decision is an expression of the state's support for the implementation of a given project and entitles one to apply for a number of subsequent administrative decisions, such as the location decision or the construction permit, among others.

Until the completion of the administrative procedure, KGHM does not provide information on the course of the proceedings and details of the application.

The involvement of state-owned companies in the energy transition is supported by Jacek Sasin, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State Assets. - Nuclear energy is clean, cheap, safe and will ensure Poland's further development. The involvement of Polish companies in ensuring the country's energy security will allow us to effectively build a strong state. I would like to thank KGHM for its strong commitment to this process - said Jacek Sasin.

- KGHM is one of the largest Polish companies and at the same time one of the largest energy consumers in the country. That is why our involvement in energy projects, among which the nuclear project is of primary importance, is obvious. This is a project which will guarantee the stability of our operations in the future. Taking into account the scale of KGHM's demand, the company's energy transformation towards renewable sources and nuclear reactors will also be an important element of the entire Polish energy mix" - said Tomasz Zdzikot, President of the Management Board of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.

KGHM is committed to the development of nuclear power in Poland, i.e. the construction of small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs). In 2022, KGHM signed an agreement with the American company NuScale Power, LLC (a supplier of nuclear technology) for preliminary work representing the first step in the process of implementing SMR technology within the business activities of the KGHM Group.

KGHM conducts its activities in accordance with the idea of sustainable development and continually strives to ensure that the entire technological sequence is safe, innovative and in line with the idea of a Closed Circuit Economy. Its activities and commitments in these areas are enshrined in the company's Environmental Policy and Climate Policy, the overarching goal of which is to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

For the copper giant, investments that contribute to the energy transition are also key. KGHM is striving to diversify its energy sources, including actively using renewable sources. By 2030, 50% of the electricity used by KGHM will come from its own sources, including renewables. The Sierra Gorda mine in Chile is already powered by 100 per cent renewable energy.

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