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Digital Future of Copper - KGHM is launching a new educational program for students, among others from the Copper Belt

Digital Future of Copper - KGHM is launching a new educational program for students, among others from the Copper Belt

Thursday, 11 May, 2023
Digitalization, cybersecurity, development of modern technologies - KGHM is launching a new educational program for high school students from the Copper Belt and the Lubuskie Province titled “Digital Future of Copper.” In the beginning, the 8 units will participate in the project. The project will be coordinated by the Central Information Processing Center (COPI), a division of KGHM.

The goal of the program prepared by the COPI team is to ensure the development of high school students in professions where digital competence is essential. The IT industry has recently emerged as a leader in terms of both employer needs and attractive wages.

“KGHM is offering students a program that will, among other things, increase our influence on the shaping of the local market for IT professionals. In a company like KGHM, the use of digital technologies is already an everyday occurrence. We want to encourage young people to explore that world with us. The project participants will have the opportunity to visit the company’s divisions and participate in internships or placements,” said Tomasz Zdzikot, the CEO of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. The CEO of KGHM added that he hoped, of course, that future graduates of the schools participating in the program would join the company’s workforce in the future.

Adam Bugajczuk, the deputy general director of COPI, stresses that the program is beneficial to everyone. “We allow the students to acquire specialized professional competencies and to combine theory with practice. They have an opportunity to test their skills in real conditions,” said Adam Bugajczuk.

The “Digital Future of Copper” program is intended for students of secondary schools - technical schools with classes with an IT profile and high schools with science profiles - who are potential future IT students. The intent to cooperate with KGHM has already been declared by 8 schools, which corresponds to approx. 250 students.

In addition to specialists from COPI, the program will also be supported by the staff and students of the Wroclaw University of Technology and the Tadeusz Kosciuszko Land Forces Academy in Wrocław. Classes and lectures, scientific conferences, and seminars with experts will be scheduled for the students.

KGHM has been implementing the “Competent in the Mining and Metallurgy Branch” program since 2018. Nine schools from the Copper Belt are participating in the project carried out with the patronage of the company. The participating students have the opportunity to attend classes conducted by KGHM specialists and to receive scholarships for top academic performance. KGHM is also providing specialized equipment to educational facilities. The objective is to prepare graduates of technical and vocational schools for employment at KGHM.

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